It was in 1920 that the "family saga" began...
- Dominique Ferrigno, fisherman from Cetara (Italy, Amalfi coast), leaves his country with his fishing boat as his only tool, for a new El Dorado: Algeria at the time of the French colony, in Courbet Marine.
- The second generation, represented by Amodéo Ferrigno and his 4 brothers, in 1945, took up the torch.
Creation of the first cannery with its fishing boat, in Courbet Marine and Dellys for the second.
Independence occurs, departure from Algeria for the metropolis: Marseille and its surroundings.
It was in 1962 that a new adventure began in Port-St-Louis-du-Rhône, (between Arles and Marseille) with the creation of the sardine cannery and its own fishing equipment.
- In 1986, Dominique Ferrigno with his brother and his cousins perpetuated the activity of fishing and sardine canning.
The diversification of the range will take place in 1998, with the preparation of cooked dishes (fish soup, bouillabaisse, tuna stew, rouille etc ...) Joël Robuchon, master chef from France has selected for the Reflets de France brand, the fish soup and bouillabaisse.
In 2010, the "Les Belles de Marseille" range saw the light of day in Port-St-Louis-du-Rhône.
In 2016, another "La Bonne Mer" range was born!